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Privacy Policy


Asseco Magyarország has been providing its services on the IT market reliably, responsibly and fairly for decades, and has always been committed to data protection and data security.

Along with the introduction of GDPR – and by understanding that the purpose of the regulation is to strengthen trust in the digital world -, our company has reconsidered its processes and issues related to security. We are aware that when you contact us, use our services in a contractual framework or become our co-worker or co-operating partner, you entrust us with your data. In this section we will show you how we handle personal information, how we provide security, and how you can exercise your rights enshrined in the new regulations.

Due to the nature of its activities and services, Asseco Magyarország is primarily a data processor. It performs limited data management activities through employee-related processes and during product and service sales.

For the sake of transparency and credibility, our company keeps up-to-date with technological developments and changes in the regulation, and it responds to social expectations besides providing high quality service. In addition to the daily practice of fair market behavior, we are mindful of written and unwritten ethical rules, the codes of conduct and operation, ensure the auditability of the company and make sure that our processes are certified by an independent quality rating agency (ISO 9001, ISO 27001).

In the context of data management, we regularly review our policies, including this privacy statement, and ensure that data management and data processing are carried out accordingly.


In the course of its activities, Asseco Magyarország performs primarily data processing, in which, if personal data are involved during data processing, the Data Protection regulations – prepared in accordance with the rules of GDPR and the agreement with the partner -, as well as certified process control systems ensure the full implementation of the principles and data protection.

If it is necessary for its fulfillment and possible under the contract, the data may also be subject to subcontracting, which data processing is carried out in accordance with other relevant confidentiality and security measures.

Data management is primarily carried out in a legal relationship with our employees, the detailed rules and frameworks of which are also provided by the Data Protection Regulations, the contract concluded with the employee and the relevant bulletins.

We use the data collected on our site (e-mail address, phone number, etc.) to make contact, send offers and information about our products and services.


During data processing, Asseco Magyarország takes a number of principles of GDPR into account, providing, but not limited to, the following:

  •  fair play
  •  transparency
  •  legality
  •  accuracy
  • limitation of purpose
  • storage limitation
  • data minimization
  • integrity


Data security

The data we handle in any form is protected continuously and through the operation of efficient security functions. Unauthorized access, modification, publication and destruction is secured by encryption that protects your data. In order to prevent unauthorized access, we have effective authorization management, and we review our physical and technological data collection, storage, processing procedures, practices and the tools that support them on a regular basis.

Those with an access right are subject to strict confidentiality and other contractual obligations.

Data sharing

Personal information may be passed on to our parent company and other trusted companies or persons (under strict contractual terms) to be processed for us in accordance with our instructions, our privacy policies or any other applicable confidentiality and security measures. Detailed rules for data sharing are contained in the Privacy Policy and the applicable contract.

Exercise of personal data rights

Beyond enforcing the principles, we place great emphasis on enforcing the rights of those concerned. You are entitled to:

  • the right for information
  • the right of access

If you would like to check the information provided through this website, please let us know at adatvedelem@asseco-mo.hu and we will provide access. In accordance with applicable laws, we may charge you for the access.

  • the right of rectification

If you wish to update your personal information provided through our website, you can do so at adatvedelem@asseco-mo.hu.

  • the right to erasure (right to be forgotten)

If you would like to unsubscribe from our mailing list or you wish to cancel your registration, please report this request at adatvedelem@asseco-mo.hu.

  • the right to restriction of processing
  • the right to data portability
  • special rights for automated decision-making and profiling

Compliance with legislation

We regularly review the Privacy Policy, this Privacy Policy, and ensure that the data is handled accordingly.

Managing data provided on our website

Data controller:
Assecco Central Europe Magyarország Zrt. www.asseco.hu
1138 Budapest, Váci út 144-150.
Cg.: 01-10-045132
Adószám: 13336011-2-41

Managed data:

  • Name
  • E-mail

Legal basis for data management:
Your consent.
(The expressed and explicit consent of the data subject in writing in accordance with Article 5 (1) (a) of the Info Act, in which he agrees to his/her data being recorded and managed by the Data Controller.)

Purpose and duration of data management:

  • contacting
  • providing information, requesting further information
  • applying for a job (career)
  • sending newsletter

If the Data Controller wishes to use the data for a different purpose, the consent of the data subject must be obtained.

The duration of the data management begins at the date of giving the consent and lasts until it is withdrawn, but if the contacting, information or newsletter sending activities of the Data Controller end or become obsolete, it terminates when the activity ends. Therefore, we will only keep the personal information communicated to us as long as it is necessary for the purpose, for which you have provided it, or as long as we are required by the law to preserve them.

The data provided here will not be forwarded to other data controllers or data processors without the prior consent of the data subject.
Current Privacy Policy and the GDPR Regulation will provide information on your rights and remedies related to data management.

We do not collect personally identifiable information on our websites to transfer or sell it to any third-party for the purpose of consumer marketing, and we do not send a letter on behalf of any third party.


Based on Article 21 of the Law on Informational Self-determination, in case of any plea about data management, the data subject may object to the Data Controller at the following contact details:

Assecco Central Europe Magyarország Zrt. www.asseco.hu
1138 Budapest, Váci út 144-150.


Based on Article 22 of the Law on Informational Self-determination, the person concerned may apply to a court for violation of his rights.

In addition to the above, the person concerned may initiate an investigation with the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority by claiming that there has been a violation of his or her personal data or there is a direct risk thereof:

Nemzeti Adatvédelmi és Információszabadság Hatóság www.naih.hu
1530 Budapest, Pf. 5.