
IT system for the fast and efficient management of loan applications

Our major product is Credilogic®, an account management and credit management (including consumer credit) application, which we developed based on the best international industry practices and our own experience.

Why is it so efficient?

  • It covers the entire life cycle of retail and/or corporate lending from disbursement, through the decision process to account management and collection.
  • It manages the entire range of consumer loans, including consumer credits, car loans and revolving credits.
  • Modular design makes it easy to integrate into your existing IT environment. You can choose from modules to suit your needs, and you can apply them as a complex package or individually.


How it works?

1. Loan application – smoothly through the web interface

The application is made on the web front-end interface, the sales network can be expanded easily through cloud-based access. You can manage and coordinate your business network, brokers and insurance partners in real time. Credilogic is an omnichannel system, customer data can be accessed on any device, thanks to its responsive design.

Data capture (and credit disbursement) is extremely smooth, due to ergonomic data capture and intelligent search functions. Precise input of data is also assisted by predictive selection from drop-down menus and validation across fields. The built-in process parameterization also allows for taking the specific needs of the customer into account.

2. Risk decision – well-founded decisions in a second via a BPMN 2.0 workflow decision engine

Our decision engine confidently controls the elements of the application and coordinates the systems involved in risk management. The entire risk decision process becomes so simple, you can make it at the touch of a few buttons.

The decision engine can reach all the necessary information, front-end data, the bank’s data center, as well as external databases, like the central credit registering system – or even social media. You can use valuable information on a drag-and-drop user interface to create scoring and risk rules. As a result, an automated decision can be carried out in seconds. If necessary, credit officers can also manually intervene in the credit application process.

In addition to the speed of our decision-making engine, you can test and measure your risk management objectives, as the system supports the use of champion / challenger strategies and optional scorecard.

If you choose, you can also apply credit application-based or behavioral credit assessment. You can raise your risk assessment to an even higher level by using buying willingness and drop-out scores.

3. Loan Account Management – providing full service for customers in any credit issue

Our Credit Account Management Module allows you to easily handle any credit issues from credit disbursement to closing the account.

The system is transaction-based, so it provides an accurate picture of all events historically, from the first transaction to the last. All customer data is available on a single screen, which offers a great deal of ease for customer service. You can start all operations from the customer’s own account screen, where you can retrieve past transactions and events. Transactions can also be initiated individually at the request of the client, but also at the request of external systems (for example, in the case of final repayment). Transactions can be processed in real time, individually, but they can be arranged in a large number of groups, e.g. at the time of closing.

4. Collection – Complete automation of the debt management process

We have built elements into the process that are in line with the proven international practice of the past two decades: from early warning to risk write-off.

With Credilogic, you can track the efficiency of the recovery process real-time, and if neccesary, adjust tasks to the capacity.


How can Credilogic increase you marketing advantage?

  • Loan application management will accelerate, so you can sell more credit products.

Thanks to the built-in BPMN-based process management, the workflow can be easily configured by defining the time frame and the activities. Online processing significantly reduces the credit application and decision process.

  • You can adapt to market changes flexibly.

The system can be expanded to fit your business strategy. The modern, SOA-based, networked architecture allows the software to be enhanced by new credit products and processes any time, so that they could be offered by your Bank first.

Interested? Let us contact you!
